Liquid acrylic casting resin
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POOLKEMIE® : complete range of casting acrylic resins for many different final application.

Synthetic liquid resins that cures with addition of water or with the addition of a water base catalyst. It is a fluid mass pourable into a rubber or resin mould. The formulation can be casting or can be applied by stratification. The casting formulation, after the addition of water or catalyst forms a fluid mass pourable into a rubber or resin mould. The formulation for stratification has characterized by thixotropic properties and can be applied by brush or spatula.

Synthetic ecological resins are used in the artistic sectors to realize particular reproduction, statues, models, etc…

Once cured has a structure and an aspect similar to the ceramic, the reason why it is defined a cold ceramic. It make easy to reproduce the original model faithfully, without deformation or shrinkage.

Acrylic resin is absolutely ecological and non-toxic. Some types of acrylic resins are suitable for the infantile working.

Characteristic of acrylic resin

  • Atoxic product
  • Ecological
  • Easy to use
  • Low exothermic reaction
  • Absence shrinkage
  • Short demoulding time
  • Non flammable
  • Good resistance to the UV rays
  • High heat resistance
  • Can be colored with acrylic pigments


ECORESIN - Cure with water - Ratio 100:28 in weight

The compound obtained adding the right quantity in weight of powder into the water and after mixing can be poured into a mould for the realization of objects, statues, decorative elements etc… with small, medium and large dimensions. It is also possible the application by stratification for coating adding to the resin a lower % of water. Very low linear expansion. The ecoresin does not damage the rubber moulds and allow to maximize the number of reproduction. Available the white version or different other colors (red brick, red terracotta, black,.).

ECORESIN PLUS CERAMICO - Cure with apposite water base catalyst - Ratio 100:50 in weight

Two component acrylic base resin composed by mineral powder and acrylic liquid. Casting application into rubber moulds. It is used to the realization of objects of different dimension (from small to very large, with no limits of scale) suitable to be used either indoor then outdoor. Available white or neutral color, it is possible to get other colors adding the colored additives during the mixing of the two components. There is available a thixotropic additive for vertical applications. Very low linear expansion, high mechanical resistance.

Poolkemie products are simple to use, technically innovative and provided with high mechanical characteristics.

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Tags: acrylic resin


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